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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Response to Natalie's Ethics and Medicine Blog

    Natalie brought up a great point that one of the major topics of ethics and medicine today is stem cell research. She explains that the ethical question of stem cell research is that the cells could be seen as a human being because they are most likely taken from embryonic cells. Certain groups see this type of research as "murder". I think Natalie did a great job explaining both sides of the ethical argument.

    From the website that Natalie used for learning more about the pros and cons concerning the morality issues of stem cell research I found some really interesting information. The information is from the International Society for Stem Cell Research. It says how stem cell research, in their opinion, is ethical because it is trying to relieve human suffering. The main opponents to this statement is catholic church groups which say that the use of embryonic cells is considered murder.

    Considering my opinion I also agree with Natalie. I agree that there is so much potential benefits for this kind of research. I think that it is the only way we can advance in the medical world right now. I also agree that there are so many more benefits than negative outcomes to this type of research. Hopefully although there is a lot of controversy people will realize that one day we could have a cure for cancer. If one isn't able to research there is not even a chance of finding a cure.

Technorati Search

     Technorati search is a very useful search for looking at what different people and organizations have to say about your paper topic. I happened to search Pediatric Obesity which is what I wrote about for my informative paper. It is a topic that I have always been interested in and want to learn more about the causes and solutions.

     The article and blog I found was about Penn State researchers taking on the epidemic of pediatric obesity and diabetes. The article was provided by a blog about leading web-based science, research and technology news service which covers a full range of topics. These include physics, earth science, medicine, nanotechnology, electronics, space, biology, chemistry, computer sciences, engineering, mathematics and other sciences and technologies. The article is provided Pennsylvania State University and written by Melissa Beattie-Moss. The blog has been active since March 2004. They publish 100 articles every business day. 

     From the article I learned that The USDA’s 2010 dietary guidelines report calls the obesity epidemic "the single greatest threat to public health in this century." Type 2 diabetes, one of the major side effects of pediatric obesity, is becoming younger every year. What used to be a disease of grandparents and parents is becoming a disease of children. If something is not done our children will not have the same life expectancy us we have now. At Penn State they are trying to tackle the problem from the molecular aspect to the public health aspect. They have made an online program that will hopefully impact the lives of elementary school children.